When the Choir Floods In

by Melody Lin

The spotlight a second sun,
You know how the flight will run.
The journey will take place without a hitch
And you know you'll hit just the right pitch.

Yet as you stand and bask
Does anyone ever ask?
The questions that forever froth,
The ones that you turn your nose at like sour broth.

Why don't you ever take the chance,
And partake in the wonderful dance.
The turbulence may not be that great,
But all that remains is ultimately hate.

In your solitude on the stage,
Why don't you turn the page?
Because why silence those who enjoy the art,
The exact same one where you take part?

It may be a tumultuous change,
Yes one that could douse your things,
"But everybody has a voice,
And everybody sings." (Benwell 1)[?]

Quote from Kaleidoscope Song by Fox Benwell
